Stop Using Money As Your Excuse to Stop You

Would all you fabulous, creative, talented, expansive beings please please stop stopping you with money?

IMG_4481Ooooh, I know that’s a button pusher for some of you! But truly, where do you give your power away to money?

Do you determine the life you’re willing or able to have based on how much money you have in your possession or have decided is coming to you? How many of you fear to spend the money you have now because it might not be there for you in the future? How many of you try to get everything for free?

Truly, I’m qualified to say this, because, so much in my life, I have been that person and I don’t think it has served me in having the expansive life that I desire.

We use money to deny choice and power in so many ways. We make so many things about money, when it might not actually be. What if it’s not actually about the money? Because, guess what? Ultimately, it really never is about the money…

Have you ever decided to make something happen for you? That you would do something or go for something, no matter what it takes, no matter what it costs? And did you get there? Did you find a way for that thing to happen in your life? Were you actually able to get the money together? That is a power you have to create and generate your life and make it what you want it to be!


Choice creates awareness, awareness doesn’t create choice…

I see so many people ready and wanting to expand their lives, to do great things, stop themselves and put on the breaks in their lives because of their fears and relationship wiht money.


Because, the truth is, it costs you more in the long run. I’ve learned that the hard way. All my money-saving, penny-pinching efforts to get everything for free or cheap ends up costing me, in time, in money, in resources, and in the ability to create and have the life I truly desire. For all that saving and pinching, I can’t say I’m any richer, but I know when I was doing that, the quality of my life was contracted and poorer.

This doesn’t mean be frivolous with money or spend money you just don’t have, but it does mean sometimes being willing to make investments in yourself and your life that will move you forward and benefit your life more dynamically and fully in the long-run. But not doing it unconsciously or in reaction to your points of view about money.

Reclaim your power to choose

There is so much unconsciousness and anti-consciousness about money. Most of us are caught in polarity around money- we are acting in alignment and agreement, or resistance and reaction to our relationships and beliefs with money which cuts off our awareness and our true ability to choose. The polarity of where I don’t want to spend the money but then I think I’m being cheap or making it about the money so I think I SHOULD spend the money takes me to the opposite pole of the same dynamic. It keeps me caught between the two poles without allowing me the full awareness of where spending money would be the greatest contribution to my life and where not spending the money also might be.

How much do you go from a contracted state about money to wanting to prove that it can be different and spending the money? What if you could be in total awareness and choice with money? What if you could have clarity about what you choose regardless of money and know which choices would be the greatest contribution to your life regardless of the money?

Not making your choices about the money doesn’t automatically mean that you’ll be spending more money, that’s just continuing to be functioning from polarity and not choice and awareness. Sometimes, you’ll notice, “oh if it’s not about the money actually I want something different.” Maybe what you truly desire costs less or nothing, and if you made it about the money you’d think you needed to prove that it wasn’t about the money and pick in reaction to that, which is still making it about the money rather than choosing what truly works for you.

If it’s not about the money and you know the most expansive choice is outside your current financial capacity then, knowing that, you could create, find or otherwise discover the means to have that choice as part of your reality and go for it rather than stopping yourself with money!

Sooooooo, How do we begin to have greater consciousness and awareness with money?

Here’s some questions you can start asking to wake up your awareness about money and your relationship to money:

  • What beliefs or points of view do I have around money and about money that could be contributing to my current financial reality?
  • If I weren’t making this about the money what would I really choose?
  • If I choose this, what would it contribute or offer to my life?
  • What would the affects on my life be of choosing this?
  • What would the affects on my life be of not choosing this?
  • If I choose this will it expand my life or help to make me money?
  • If I know this choice would expand my life and I don’t currently have the money, what else is possible that could make this my reality?

AND! This is so crucial, don’t answer these questions from your LOGICAL brain and try to figure it out because that part of you can only be aware of what you already know and is not open to perceiving something greater. You’ll just go into all of your judgments and conclusions which shut off your awareness to perceiving anything greater. Instead, let your awareness guide you, see where you have the greatest sense of lightness and expansion, because what’s true for you will make you feel lighter. Open to receiving information about possibilities you haven’t even considered!

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