Lessons from Depression
Lesson Number Two: There’s some part of me that I’m denying
Another discovery I’m having around depression is that when it is mine, it usually means that I’m cutting myself off from some part of myself- that I am engaging in some form of self-denial. This could be something I don’t want to be aware of- like how angry I am– or having lots of judgment and wrongness toward myself rather than space and acceptance.
How much do you go into the wrongness of you?
What part of yourself or your knowing could you be cutting off?
If you stopped cutting it off how would that change your reality?
What if you’ve never been wrong? What if nothing you’ve ever been, done, or said, has ever been wrong, ever?
Challenging the Notion of Brokenness
Where ever did we get the notion that we are wrong, broken, dysfunctional, don’t work and need fixing? The more I explore the human psyche and the realm of consciousness the more I believe that anything we ever do makes total sense if we can understand what’s truly going on. We are actually designed completely intelligently, we work better than we could ever even imagine.
And yet, instead of trusting the intelligence of our design, that what is happening within us is actually intelligent and important information, we just make ourselves wrong!
Depression is not a wrongness, it is our system trying to get our attention, to protect us, to give us important information, to alert us that we are out of the flow and cutting ourselves off from ourselves, our awareness and life in some way. If we know this, we can find our way back.
Unlocking Yourself From Your Cage of Judgement
Have you ever noticed how often we make ourselves wrong, fight ourselves, think that we should be different? Judge ourselves for feeling what we’re feeling? How happy does that make you? How much does that contribute to your depression?
Our feelings serve an intelligent and important purpose, they have an important function to alert us to our needs and the life-energy we are connected to in any given moment. They are part of the intelligence of our design, so if we can learn to work with them, rather than push them down or deny them, they can be important keys to freedom and self understanding. (Read Trusting Your Design for a deeper exploration)
Whenever I reach a place of feeling depressed and I’m aware that it actually is mine, I see it as an invitation to explore more deeply what I might be needing, where I’m denying myself or what I’m cutting myself off from. It’s like these are little keys that I can use to unlock the door to the dark room I’m locking myself in and return to the light and sunshine.
Where do you lock yourself up with wrongness? What parts of yourself do you deny? What if knowing this is one of the keys to unlocking you from your depression?
Here’s some questions to begin the unlocking process:
- What’s right about this or me that I’m not getting?
- What part of myself am I cutting off or denying?
- What is my being trying to tell me? What if I actually listened?
- What feelings am I avoiding, suppressing or cutting myself off from and what are they wanting to tell me?
Also to get yourself out of the judgement and stories you are telling yourself about you and the wrongness of you, you can ask:
- How does it get any better than this?
- What else is possible?
- If I were the only person left on the planet and no one else could judge me for anything who would I be and what would I choose today?
If you’re someone who struggles with depression and is looking for another approach or deeper understanding, please join our facebook group if you haven’t already (www.facebook.com/groups/findingyourownhappy) If you find you’re needing addtional support, I hope you’ll consider working with me. I know we can find some of the keys to what’s locking you up and begin to set you free! Sing up for a FREE introductory breakthrough clarity call HERE
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