What do YOU know about YOU?
What If somewhere deep down inside of you you KNOW what is true for you, YOU know what is going on for you and what you need to do to shift the places you are stuck or that you feel aren’t working in your life? What if no-one, no matter how educated, smart, perceptive, intuitive, or magical knows better than you what is right and true for you?
Yet, how often do you deffer to others? How often do you give your power away, turn to someone else, some “authority” to give you the answers or tell you what is going on with you? If you’re like most people I’ve encountered, you probably don’t trust you and what you know about you all that much.
It’s not to say that others don’t have useful or valuable insights or perspectives to share with you, that they can’t help you make deeper discoveries, uncover places you’ve been stuck and help you find your way to deeper knowing and self-understanding. Certainly professionals in their respective fields have something valuable to offer that is worth taking into consideration. However, have you noticed how often you or others give up your authority and your knowing in deference to these professionals?
How and where do you give up your knowing of what is true for you?
Perhaps because it’s the field I’m in, and also because I’ve been on both sides, this can seem particularly true for me in the emotional and psychological realm. It can be very complicated not to take what someone who’s insight and guidance you have come to value and trust says about you as the truth. They know you and they see you, and perhaps they have helped see into corners of your psyche that were hidden from your view, and yet, they are not the ultimate authority, they don’t hold the ultimate truth about you. YOU do.
In my own quest for emotional-healing and self-understanding I have received the work and support of many seasoned and renowned healers. Many of them have been useful and helpful- to a point. Beyond that point is where they are telling me what’s true for me or what I need to do that doesn’t fit or resonate for me. It is at that point I usually start to shut down. For a while there I was giving them the power to define me and my reality, and feeling crappy inside. They are this wise, “spiritual” and successful healer, so if they are telling me this then it must just be some dark part of myself I’m not willing to see, they must know better than me- or so I was thinking. I’d accept their perspective, feel crappy about myself and my life and and all the ways I was still not there yet, still broken and in need of healing. It of course did not feel all that empowering.
Does this sound familiar at all?
What if you allowed yourself to be the ultimate authority on you?
Why would I let someone who has just a little snap-shot of me and my life, no matter how wise, psychic or intuitive take the place of what I know deep down inside to be true for me? Why would I give that sovereignty and authority over me and my own life to someone else? I’ve learned to take the best and leave the rest- to tell the difference between sage wisdom I might want to look at and heed, and that which just truly misses the mark and doesn’t work or resonate for me.
Each time I get to that point in working with someone else, I come back to the work I do- because it works for me, because it feels empowering, and because it begin from somewhere totally different. It begins from the premise that actually YOU know better than anyone else what is right and true for you. My job as a healer and practitioner is not to tell you what I see and perceive, but help you see and perceive yourself what is true for YOU where you are getting stuck and where you could make the shifts to move forward and expand your life. I ask questions, we explore together and if I’m headed in a direction that isn’t resonating or feeling true for you, then we find the direction that does and continue our discovery there.
You might want to pay attention to these factors:
How much time does a healer or practitioner spend talking? How much do they listen to you?
Do they ask you questions, are they curious about your experience and perspectives or do they just give you theirs?
Do you leave a session feeling better or worse about yourself?
Do you have a sense of empowerment and increased confidence after your time with them?
If they are doing most of the talking, if they are not asking you questions or if you feel worse not better about yourself after your time with them, then you probably want to look at what is actually true for you and what they are just perpetrating on you that is not.
Would you be willing to acknowledge how much you do know about you and your life?
Would you be willing to own that you are truly the best authority on you and your life and know what’s true for you better than anyone else does?
The next time you start to receive information or guidance from someone who’s knowledge and opinion you value and it isn’t feeling resonant for you, would you be willing to acknowledge that you actually know something that they don’t?
Would you be willing to acknowledge and trust your knowing even when it’s not popular or goes against the grain of some valued or trusted authority?
It pains me to see how many beautiful, wise and talented beings walk around with the notion that they are somehow screwed up, broken or don’t really know anything. Because, the truth is, you’re actually NOT. You know a whole lot more than you give yourself credit for. Sometimes more than the people who are supposed to know, to have the answers, to help you. What if you were truly willing to know what you know and know what is true for you no matter what someone else-no matter their position or authority in your life- is telling you?
I know you know so much more than you’re willing to admit that you know, but don’t trust me, trust yourself!!
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