Bullying is a symptom, can we address it at its cause?

100_0666Bullying. I’ve been hearing a bit about bulling lately, chiefly about legislation, laws and rules in response to bullying. My heart goes out to all the children who are or have been victims of bullying, and to their families, especially to the families of those children who have taken their own lives. A tragedy I would not wish upon anyone. However, I really wonder if laws and legislation can prevent bullying and if treating bulling as its own isolated problem only covers up the symptoms without true healing. I want to look at the cause, the root, the source, to examine the conditions in our collective culture and society that creates bullies, that fosters bullies in the first place.

Bullies are not born bullies. No one looks at their new born baby and says, “yep, this one’s gonna be a bully”.

If we as a culture have a bullying problem, then I think it is our collective responsibility to examine and understand what in us, in our society and culture has created conditions that foster bullies. If we just make laws against bullying without examining what created the behavior in the first place, how are we really addressing the issue of bullying from the source? I believe that kids who bully also have a story, a need, a pain. In a way my heart goes out also to the bully because I sincerely believe that meanness and the intentional hurting of others can only emerge out of one’s own pain.

I originally wrote the above reflections in July of 2011. Today I am pleased to say that I am involved with an organization- Social Harmony-  that reflects these views and works to transform the culture and conditions in schools that contribute to bullying.  We support schools to create an environment that moves the paradigm of addressing bulling from punishment to understanding and healing- to really understand what needs the bully is also trying to meet and to explore ways that those needs can be met without doing harm.

Beyond that, we aren’t just looking at dealing with bullying and the results of bullying, we are working to create a culture in which conflicts can be resolved without winners and losers, where people (children in particular, but also teachers and parents) have a sense that their needs matter and that their voices are heard.

I have chosen to delete the rest of this post, as I realize from some responses and some feedback that it is not adequately addressing and responding to the severity of bullying or  properly representing the power of Social Harmony to address those issues. I am recognizing that I assumed (inaccurately in some cases) that my readers already understand the paradigm in which I am operating. I realize more needs to be written about why it is so important to move from Punishment to Healing and not just what it looks like when we do.  More will be forthcoming on these topics. Stay posted. 

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