
What the heck are Bars?

They are points on the head where you hold the electromagnetic charges of your thoughts and beliefs, and when you “have your Bars run”  you can discharge and re-set these charges to create more space, peace and possibility.

Sound like a whole lot of hocus-pocus?

Yeah, that’s what I thought too… until I got off the table and experienced such a deep sense of space, peace, calm and self-connection that I’d been struggling to access for a long time. Having my Bars run calmed all the internal chatter and allowed me so much more space for being. This stuff works, the difference was truly amazing!

One of the great things about Bars is that it’s all about you relaxing and receiving, you don’t have to DO anything… just receive!

Here’s a little video to give you a taste of what the Bars are all about:

I know a woman who had such severe sensitivities that she used and oxygen tank and could hardly leave the house. She started having her Bars run regularly and working with other Access Consciousness tools and it completely transformed her life. She’s not even sick at all anymore.  Bars and Access totally changed her life.

I have also learned so much from Access Consciousness that has permanently and significantly changed my life and much of it is incorporated into the work I do with my clients.

What in your life have you decided is unchangeable, un-solvable, un-curable, un-fixable? What if you could open to a new space and possibility, what if, maybe just maybe some of the things that you think can’t change and won’t ever change could actually change?

And what if I could help ask you the right questions and provide you with insights and tools to shift and change them for yourself?

You can schedule a free introductory consultation with  me and let’s find out.

What contribution to you and your life could having your Bars run be? Would you like to find out?

Here’s another video you can check out as well:

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