Receiving Your Awareness
We cut off our awareness for many reasons, one because we have learned not to trust it and believe that it is wrong, and two, because sometimes what we are aware of does not match the conclusions we have about how things should be. Then when things turn out differently, we are surprised. Yet, how often was there actually part of you that knew?
This weekend I had the chance to connect in some beautiful and deep ways with a group of women, four out of six of whom were transitioning out of relationships. As we delved deeply into understanding our experiences and our part in creating them, part of what emerged is how much we knew and were aware of that we were not willing to acknowledge or be aware of at the time.
I’ve been there too…. I meet someone I like, I want the relationship to work and be what I want it to be so what do I do? I focus on what I like, what fits my idea of what I want to have and downplay or ignore whatever I’m aware of that might not fit that picture. At the end I look back and see that some of what ended the relationship were things I was aware of form the beginning that I didn’t want to see.
This is true not just in relationships but in other areas of my life as well. I’ve kicked myself so often for not paying attention to my own awareness about something, whether a job, a trip or any other occurrence in my life. If I’ve concluded how great something is going to be, I’m likely to ignore all the information that might tell me otherwise. So often I’ll look back and say, “oh my god, I totally saw that coming and didn’t pay attention.”
What if you could pay attention to even the tiniest whisper of your being? What if you could trust that, and what if you were willing to receive ALL of your awareness and information about a given situation not just what matches what you would like it to be?
When you are willing to receive everything, to be aware of everything that is actually happening, you have so much more power and more choice about how you choose to engage with and create your life. You are far more perceptive than you give yourself credit for. The more you trust you and your awareness the more you can trust your awareness and the more aware you will become.
Another potent post! Awareness is key, and kicking oneself is also something that needs awareness, because it hurts to kick ourselves and really provides little incentive for change, but a bad memory is left.