Interviews and Radio Shows:
- Suicidal Ideation and not wanting to live
- My personal story and struggles with suicidal feelings
- Key contributing factors to suicidal ideation
- The insights and tools that transformed my life and get to a level of peace and happiness I didn't know was possible
- Tools, perspectives and insights that can help you on your journey
- Recovery from Abusive/ narcissistic relationship
- My personal story and how I healed from abuse
- Specific strategies for healing including working with past lives
- The importance of recognizing and honoring personal boundaries
- Strategies for saying no and prioritizing your needs without guilt
- How people-pleasing behavior impacts personal health and relationships
- Practical steps to identify triggers and emotional responses in professional settings
- Benefits of self-reflection in personal growth and setting healthy boundaries
- Mental health struggles and grappling with suicidal feelings
- Three main keys to overcoming chronic feelings of unhappiness or depression
- High achievement as a coping mechanism for escaping hurt and pain
- Alchemizing Your Trauma and Pain to create gold for your life
- Working with your subconscious programming to create effective change
- Facing times of challenge and uncertainty
- Managing fear and worry in times of uncertainty.
Finding Your Wings of Worth
With Kwan Patton:
- How being empathic can affect your happiness and your mental health
- Getting to know what is you and your own energy and what is other people's
- Understanding the difference between what is your feelings and energy and what is other people's
- Empathic Awareness Vs. Childhood Trauma- the value of knowing the difference and how to work with it
- The importance of your emotions and how they help you navigate the world
- Trusting your knowing and intution
Understanding Gaslighting in Your Family of Origin
- Challenging childhood experiences impacting mental health
- Understanding the subtle levels of unrecognized trauma and abuse
- Gaslighting in your family of origin and it's impacts on mental health
- The top things that keep you from your own happiness
- Getting to the heart of your challenges and transforming them at the core
Mind Your Own Business
With Scott Sullivan on inspired news radio:
- What being happy really means
- Growing up with cognitive dissonance and understanding unrecognized childhood traumas
- How being empathic can affect your happiness and your mental health and how childhood trauma can contribute to being empathic
- Why therapy might not work for some people... and much more!
Everyday Peace
with Dravon James on Unity Online Radio:
Interview Number One:
- Overcoming depression and transforming suicidal feelings
- Shifting and clearing of unwanted energies
- Being willing to be aware and see things clearly
- Understanding what's behind our inexplicable and sometimes self-destructive behavior
- Respecting feelings and their important purpose in life
- The power of the question to change your experience
Interview Number Two:
- Gas-lighting and re-learning to trust yourself and your experience
- Childhood experiences and their affects on mental health and happiness
- The power of anger and it's useful and helpful purpose
- Why therapy might not work for you
- How being empathic or sensitive can affect your mental health and what you can do about it
- Creating greater possibilities through question and curiosity
Mental Insights
Podcast with Brendan Cutuli
- Cultural Effects on Mental Health
- Childhood Trauma
- Impacts of harmful environments
- Importance of Emotionally Appropriate Responses
Voices of Mental Health
Moving toward True Happiness as a Highly Sensitive Person
- Empathic, highly-sensitive people
- Anxiety & Depression
- Finding Your Own Happy
- Why therapy doesn’t always work for highly sensitive people
Psychological Injury
a conversation with Dr. Eric Kuelker
- What psychological injuries are and how they impact your mental health
- The leading cause of mental health problems
- How "disorders" like schizophrenia and bi-polar are connected to psychological injuries.
- Debunking the "chemical imbalance" and "disorder" notion and treating the root causes of mental health conditions
Expanding Awareness
on WZBC: Mental Health Perspectives Hardly Anyone is Talking About
- Impacts of contexts and conditions on mental health
- Wisdom behind depression
- Maintaining your happiness in the face of the worlds problems
- Emapthic awareness and it's affects on your mental health
Searching for Integrity
With John Smith
- Self Blame and healing from childhood trauma
- Connections between childhood trauma and being empathic
- Why empathic folks require different approaches to mental and emotional health than the average person
- Paying attention to your awareness and listening to your intuitions
The Healing Corner
With Sarah Woodard
- How I work with my clients
- The power of working with the body to identify core issues
- Listening to your feelings (and getting off of the emotional roller coaster)
- What's behind being judgmental- of yourself and others-
- Truth telling and how it relates to your happiness... and much more!