Are you an Empath who ...
- Has been told you are too sensitive, feels to much or struggles with feeling overwhelmed by their empathic senses?
- Struggles with separating out you and your feelings from everyone else's?
- Feels exhausted drained or overwhelmed and is tired of constantly feeling others feelings as if they are your own?
- Has a big heart, over extends and over-gives sometimes (or maybe often) to your own expense?
- Wants being empathic to be a blessing but often struggles with it feeling more like an overwhelming challenge or a curse?
- Struggles with your happiness and your emotional health and has experience with anxiety or depression?
Imagine a time when...
You feel confident in yourself and with your empathic abilities and they have become a true gift that deeply contributes to you and your life.
You have developed a high degree of mastery with your empathic abilities to the point that you can navigate your experiences with ease and you have deep clarity on what is your energy and what is other people's.
You know how to stay connected to yourself and your own energy, are no longer easily overwhelmed and have a deep experience of peace. At the same time, you’re deeply aware of what is happening with the people around you, sometimes to an uncanny or almost psychic level, but it doesn't negatively affect you or shake you and you're able maintain your center and your peace.
You can be around other people without it draining you and actually even enjoy yourself. Your sensitivity to others and the world around you now feels like a gift rather than an incredible hardship or something that you feel cursed with.
You are able to still care deeply for other people without it coming at such a great cost to you. In fact, because you take better care of yourself and your own energy, you enjoy your relationships and friendships so much more.
You have energy to put toward your own life (instead of constantly taking care of everybody else) and you are creating a life that you truly enjoy and love. You have a new-found sense of happiness, peace and freedom in just being who you truly are.
Hi, I'm Elana
(rhymes with Nirvana!)
I'm an Empath Empowerment and Happiness Coach and I specialize in helping empathic and sensitive folks end the emotional drain and overwhelm and master their empathic abilities, so they can feel confident, have real peace and participate in the world with ease.
I've helped so many amazing and empathic folks- just like you- get off the constant emotional roller coaster, own their power and turn being empathic from a perpetual struggle and challenge into a true and real gift and I can help you do the same!
I was once where you are too
I wondered if there was something uniquely wrong with me that wasn't wrong with anyone else, because all the things that seemed to make a difference for other people didn’t seem to be working for me.
What I didn't understand was the degree to which being sensitive and empathic was affecting my emotional and psychological wellbeing:
There were days I thought that maybe I was just crazy or going insane because of what I was experiencing and feeling.
Literally no one I turned to for help understood what I was going through or how to truly help me.
Because I couldn't take what often felt like torment, I decided I was either getting off the planet or figuring out how to be here in a way that didn't feel so incredibly hard and painful.
I committed myself to learning and discovering whatever was necessary to transform my experience and get me to a place of true happiness and peace.
What I learned through my own determination, exploration and self-inquiry, took me from a place of being homeless, jobless, and often suicidally depressed, to a place of stability, confidence and and a vastly greater degree of happiness and peace.
How do we Create that Change for you?
(in a relatively short amount of time?!!)
Clear Self
Know what is truly yours and what is not and put your attention and focus on the right things in the right ways to truly transform your experience and learn to deeply trust yourself and all you sense and feel.
Shift your relationship to your trauma and reinterpret your experiences so that no matter what you've been through, it can become a contribution to your life. You will be able to truly release old traumas, pains and hurts at the deepest level.
Address the subconscious purpose and reasons behind your feelings, experiences and behaviors and enlist the subconscious in creating powerful change at the level of the the true cause rather than just the with symptoms.
Fully understand and utilize your empath senses and awareness so that you know how to quickly and easily navigate through your experiences work with your empathic nature and turn it from a challenge or hardship into a true and powerful gift.
Create a powerful and overarching vision that keeps you directed and focused on what truly matters in your life and that by achieving it makes all your other key goals, visions and desires inevitable in the process.
With All of This You Can
Achieve Amazing Results!
Welcome to Empath Grad School
Supercharge your empathic abilities to have peace, feel confident and make your unique contribution
Empath Grad School an in-depth training & coaching program to end emotional turmoil, master your empathic abilities and reclaim your confidence in nine weeks so that you can experience real peace and navigate through the world with energy and ease.
What's included in the program:
Online Training:
Video Training:
Nine Modules each covering a different topic area through a series of short teaching and training videos and relevant practices designed to give you all the necessary tools to learn to work with and transform your experience, resolve emotional turmoil and develop empath mastery.
(These are pre-recorded- you have access to all the content at once and can view it as quickly or slowly as you like and will have access to the videos for up to a year after your enrollment in the program.)
Q&A Calls:
Ask any questions you have about the course content or how to apply any practice or tool to your particular situation and life. This is a group call with everyone in the program so you are learning from others and their questions as well. There will be a call every two weeks of this course.
If you are not able to make a call live, you can both submit your questions ahead of time and also watch the replay. We also practice using the tools you are learning on these calls.
Personalized Coaching:
Group Coaching Sessions:
Ten weekly personal, confidential and transformative small group coaching sessions (3-5 people in your group) where we do the deep work of healing old pains and hurts, shifting your energy and transforming your challenges at the root subconscious level with expert coaching and empathy and support from your peers.
In these calls we also put the tools you learn in the online portion of the program to use and you have your coach's knowledge and expertise to help support and guide you in learning how to apply and use them yourself.
On-the-Spot Coaching:
In addition to weekly coaching calls you can activate one extra on-the-spot coaching support per week. If you're stuck on something difficult you can't seem to change on your own, you can get some support in real-time to shift it. You don't have to wait until your next scheduled coaching call to address the issue or find relief or support. You're also being coached to apply the tools you are learning to your life in real time.
In as little as 15 minutes of extra support we can create dynamic shifts for you that keep you positively moving forward with your life!
Community of Support:
Peer Support:
Because you are all learning the same tools, understandings and skills in this group, you will be able to call on not only your coach but on other members of the group for encouragement and support. During the program you will also have a free membership with the Empowered Empath Society and be part of a larger community of empaths that you can connect with, some of whom have already taken this program. You will be able to be in touch with other group members thought the program and reach out to the group as well as your coach for input, support, celebrations and encouragement.
Enter your text here...
Basic Track: $3000
Current Special Pricing: $2222
The basic track is perfect for you if:
- You struggle with your gifts and wish to transform your experience at the core level and to create true peace and happiness in your life.
- You wish to learn advanced strategies, skills and tools to get off the emotional roller coaster, master your empathic abilities have peace and feel truly confident.
- You're ready to take a stand for yourself and your life and do the work to truly change your experience.
- You know it's time to start truly valuing you and your wellbeing as much as anyone else's, put an end to the self-sacrifice and people pleasing and to do the required work to get to a happy and empowered place in your life.
- You wish to move through and participate in your life and with other people with ease and without being overwhelmed, exhausted or drained and to maintain your energy and your peace.
Basic Track (recap)
Schedule an Interview to see if this track is right for you
Only 5 Spots Still Available
"I continue to be blown away by Elana’s ability to help me in very little time and with very little effort. Our sessions are fun, joyful and uplifting and I always walk away feeling cleansed, cleared and EMPOWERED and ready to take new, life-affirming and positive actions in my life."
Anjali - Vermont
Advanced Track: $5555
The advanced track is perfect for you if in addition to the basic track these are also true for you:
- You are done with your empath suffering, know that thing are changing for you now and you're going to do whatever it takes to get to a truly different place in your life.
- You know you're hear for a greater life mission and purpose and it is imperative that you resolve your empath challenge so they stop getting in the way of or holding you back from the greater purpose of your life.
- You've already been engaged in your own healing, transformation or personal development and are ready to move beyond constantly "working on your stuff" and into building a life you truly love.
The Advanced Track Includes Everything in Basic PLUS:
Basic Track
+ Advanced Track
Schedule an Interview to see if this track is right for you
Only 2 Spots Available
This is a special limited-time offer in exchange for your feedback and testimonials in the program.
7 Day
Right FIT Guarantee
7 Day RIght FIt Gaurentee:
If, in the first week of the program you feel that this training is not the right fit for you or for other reasons you no-longer wish to attend, we will refund you the cost of your tuition minus any materials and processing fees. Due to the nature of the program there will be no further refunds after the7 day window is passed.
Conversely, if in the first week of the program we determine that you are not the right fit or that we cannot adequately help or support you we will refund your tuition and offer you other suggestions and recommendations for support that can better meet your needs.