Happy Holidays

Happy Holidays?!?Or are they? For many people this time of year can be stressful and or challenging on many fronts. What would it take for you to have a truly happy holiday that you enjoy and that works for you? Here are some tips and tools for helping you truly have a Happy Holiday:1Stop taking on other people's stuffHow much of the stress, anxiety, discomfort etc. that you are aware of during the holidays is actually yours? Could you [...]

Can We Meet Again for the First Time?

Can We Meet Again for the First Time? What would it take to receive each new being freshly? To live on that edge of expectancy and discovery of finding out who you and they are? What would it take to meet each person in your life again for the first time? Can you receive them with that much freshness? Can you let go of everything you've ever known or created about them to discover who they are and [...]

Who is Anyone to Anyone?

Who is Anyone to Anyone? How the conceptions we have of others keep us and them from changing or being known for who we truly are I go through lots of change. The person I was three months ago, doesn't actually exist anymore. Except to the people I haven't seen in three months, that's how they know me- or even more likely they don't actually have the three month old model of me but one much older than that which is [...]

What else is possible when you surrender the past?

What Else is Possible When You Surrender the Past and Truly Create Your Life from the Present? Welcome to this New Year! This new moment that is full of possibility that has never been before. How true is that of every moment, not just the turn of the year? How true is it for you? Most of us are not living from a place of connection to the possibility within each new moment. Most of us are busy [...]


Bars! What the heck are Bars? They are points on the head where you hold the electromagnetic charges of your thoughts and beliefs, and when you "have your Bars run"  you can discharge and re-set these charges to create more space, peace and possibility. Sound like a whole lot of hocus-pocus? Yeah, that's what I thought too... until I got off the table and experienced such a deep sense of space, peace, calm and self-connection that I'd been [...]

Trust yourself and choose for you

Trust Yourself and Choose for YOU no Justification or Explanation required I am finding the courage to just walk away. Walk away from situations, conditions, dynamics, ways of being and engaging that aren't serving me or resonate for me. Knowing what's true for me in a given moment and trusting and following that truth. It feels truly liberating. No explaining, no justifying, no arguing with myself, also no blame, just clear, present choice about what works for me, how I [...]

Being in Acceptance

Being in Acceptance I've been writing a lot about choosing, about honoring your YES and Your NO, on being intolerant, essentially on truly listening to yourself, knowing what's true for you and honoring that. Though it may at first appear contradictory, today I want to write about acceptance  You may have heard the statement “what you resist persists.” Maybe you've even found it to be true... As long as we are resisting something, in opposition to something, we [...]

Trusting your design

Trusting the Intelligence of your design "You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees For a hundred miles through the desert, repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves... I've been thinking about this a bit... about this soft animal... Have you ever noticed how often we make ourselves wrong? Fight ourselves, think that we should be different? Judge ourselves for feeling [...]

Disengaging for greater engagment

Disengaging for Greater Engagement Do you know how to take a step back? To take some space? To allow for distance? To disengage? Have you allowed yourself to experience the sweetness and benefit that comes when you do? Most of us don't give ourselves this gift, and it can be at great cost to ourselves and our relationships.   If you're an empath, if you're sensitive and pick up on what's happening around you then chances are, taking [...]

Moving past judgements

Moving past Judgements Have you noticed that a lot of what takes you out of being present are judgements and conclusions? Have you noticed that a lot of the feeling crappy that we experience actually has to do with judgements? What If You Stopped Judging You? What would your life be like if you could let yourself just be? What would it be like if you spent one whole day not judging you? Have you ever spent time [...]

Getting Deeply Present

BECOME DEEPLY PRESENT WITH LIFE So much of our suffering has to do with some story we tell ourselves either about the past or future, conclusions we draw about life and how things are or aren't happening, what has happened that we didn't like or that we miss about what happened, what will happen and how much better or worse than this moment it will be. In the midst of great uncertainty in my life to the point [...]

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