Are you an empath?

Are you an Empath?!?  Maybe you KNOW you are or maybe you're new to the concept and wonder how it might apply to you... And whether or not you define yourself as one, you might still feel the affects of your sensitivities and like to have an easier time navigating this journey and this life.  Do you ever walk into a room and just start feeling "off"? Are you easily affected by the emotions of others, even if [...]

Just Be

JUST BE When is the last time you just let yourself be? Really be. Without agenda, without expectation, without needing to change, fix, do or accomplish anything? To just listen to an allow your being to find it's own pattern it's own flow, it's own rhythm?  Just listening and being? Our culture has such an emphasis on doing, on achieving that keeps many of us constantly on the go, sometimes to the detriment of our own well-being and [...]

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